Ep 683 – Personal Invitations To Your Biz Model

If you are more of an audio person – you can click here to listen to the episode on Spotify.

Everyone says they are excited to learn about what you have to offer, they even sign up for it… then do nothing with it! Maybe I’m the only one in our Networking profession that has ever had that happen, I think not.

So let’s talk about some ways that we can minimize the loss of time and energy, quite frankly minimize just being pissed off with ourselves and them for what seems like wasting our time.

Have you ever thought about how many parts there are to the invitation?

Here is the hard part, if we look deeper into our presentations / invitations we will find an unconscious pattern that WE have and it seems to produce the same results. So lets dive into what that might be.

  1. What are you inviting them to?
    1. I mean seriously answer that question. What, in your mind are you inviting them to? Sure it’s to learn more about your company, your business model, your comp plan. Yet how would you describe what they are being invited to?
  2. What are you REALLY inviting them to?
    1. This is where we start to see the divergence of the description or the story. What are YOU inviting them to, and what do THEY think they are being invited to? Have you ever really took the time to think about this conversation going on on their side of the invitation?

So how many parts are there really to the invitation?
– Your mindset – what you feel about the invitation, how you actually ask it. Have you ever asked someone to a party, how difficult was that? When you ask someone to look at your biz opp, do you get nervous, do you feel a bit intimidated, BECAUSE, you knew at some point there was going to be the discussion of money?

The key is look at your presentation, your information and see where you can find the ‘wow’ factor in it. What is the WOW part of being in your company. Can you share that in such a way with your prospects that they has… How do you do that?

At that moment you have the chance to have a “solution” conversation! Showing them HOW you do that.

Hope this brings you value..
Big hugs from Dallas..

PS – if you want to listen to the podcast from Ep 683- CLICK HERE

About Sean G Murphy

Working each day to be a Better Dad, and Better Husband. MLM Business Consultant, International Speaker, Trainer and Corporate Executive, successful entrepreneur and business owner. In his 30 year career, Sean Murphy had held many titles, had great professional and personal success and impacted the lives of literally thousands upon thousands of people. But if you were to ask him to state his favorites he would tell you without hesitation they are today what they have always been “husband and father”. (note his tagline)
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