Work FROM Your Goals, Not To Your Goal

Lets face it, for 5000 years man and women have been working towards their goals and 99% never reach them. Always missing the target!


Let me see if I can share with you a thought process I have, these are my ideas, so they many not work for you. Here is why I feel so many never reach their goals.

They are to busy working towards them! This constant push, struggle and frustration to “reach” their goals, it can wear you out. So what if you were to, in the words of Dr Wayne Dyer: “Change The Way You Look At Things & The Things You Look At Change”.

Right now, take a few moments, and really start to look at a goal you have, one you have been working on for a while now, could be a month, maybe even a year or more.  Look at the activities that you have been doing to reach that goal. I mean really get clear on what actions you have been focused on to reach this end goal.  Got it?

Now here is what I want you to do. Take some time right now, and look at this goal as something you have already achieved. Something you have already acquired the skills or the experience to achieve this goal.

When you start to look at the actions you have performed in the past to move closer to this goal.. looking that them with this new understanding that you have already achieved your goal, here is the question.
Would You Do Things Differently When You See Yourself Having The Mindset Of Your Goal?

For the past 20 years that I have been speaking and training, the % of people who said they would do things differently… is 100%!  WHY?

Here are my thought on this.

  • A. It’s impossible to see something you have not seen before.
    When you set a goal, its something you have not had before, otherwise it wouldn’t be a goal, right? So it’s not a something, it’s a feeling… it’s a concept. How can you show me a feeling, without it taking physical shape. If you wanted to show me sad, you would frown, or happy you would smile. It still has to show up in the physical world.
  • You have to Be, Do than Have…
    There is nothing that you want, that you don’t first have the desire to want it first. You can’t get up for a drink of water, get the glass, fill it and the all of a sudden say.. WOW, I really wanted a glass of water.
    So to work towards your goals, is the same thing, and it’s why it’s so easy to get distracted from the process.
  • Cheating is Bad
    We were taught in school that asking for help on a test was not allowed, and coping someone was cheating. So it’s no shock that when we look at the “Test” of life we are all in, and we see someone who is successful and has what we want, we are afraid to ask them for help.  If you are serious about your goals, and WORKING FROM THEM and not towards them, then you need a mentor or coach.
  • It’s to easy
    If it’s easy to look at this article and see there you can fundamentally change the way you look at goal setting, then it’s easy not to do it as well. The choice is yours.

So 3 ideas to help you now work FROM your goals, it’s really quite simple when you do it the first time. Once you have done it… the sky is the limit.

Here is a video I did on “Getting Your Why Clear”


Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you share it with at least 3 people you know that could benefit from this.

Please leave your comments below and share it across social media. Thanks in advance.

Hugs from Dallas


About Sean G Murphy

Working each day to be a Better Dad, and Better Husband. MLM Business Consultant, International Speaker, Trainer and Corporate Executive, successful entrepreneur and business owner. In his 30 year career, Sean Murphy had held many titles, had great professional and personal success and impacted the lives of literally thousands upon thousands of people. But if you were to ask him to state his favorites he would tell you without hesitation they are today what they have always been “husband and father”. (note his tagline)
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2 Responses to Work FROM Your Goals, Not To Your Goal

  1. Pingback: Align yourself with well-being and everything becomes possible | Breakthrough To Abundance

    • Sean Murphy says:

      Thanks for the post… I hope you get some traffic to your site from the link. Sharing great ideas is a wonderful thing. Have an outstanding day.. Hugs from Dallas.

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