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Get Over “IT”- Now if we only knew what “it” was…

All to often I hear people say, ‘you just need to get over it’… here is the challenge I see with someone saying that answer.  It’s impossible to ‘get over it’, and if you “get over it” how will you ever get ‘through’ it.

What I think needs to happen, what I use in my trainings is a simple process of “lost and found”. Let me see if I can explain.

This challenge that you are facing, this idea or thought that keeps popping up in your mind… where did it come from, where did you find it? What would happen if you were to give it back, or better yet, leave it on the side of the road? What I’m really asking you is, if you lost that idea or thought, would you be better off or not?

So it’s not so much get over it, because if you get over it, much like a speed bump in the road, if you ever come back this way, you will bump into that challenging thought again. So as I see it, there are only 3 options, I’m sure there are many more, lets look at the 3 as I see them.
1. You can keep the frustrating thought
2. You can change the way you are looking at the thought
3. You can lose it all together…

So have some fun, make some new commitments to yourself, that you will be stronger every day, in every way starting right now.

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Thanks for being here.. if you have more questions, or would like me to touch a particular topic, please feel free to reach out and let me know

Hugs from Dallas,

Sean G Murphy

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When posed with this question, I would like to know your answer. Now look at the question again, and if you are like most people you have this puzzled thought racing through your head. What do you mean, how many questions?

Lets see if I can give you an insight into real leadership.

If you are in sales, the key to sales is presenting your product in such a way that the prospect gets emotionally attached to your solution, right? So let me ask you this. What changes when you do your presentation, or prospecting? Is it the product or service you are sharing? Does the time of day you prospect or present your product matter? Or is it the prospect that changes and everything else is pretty much the same? Its the prospect that changes. Agreeing on that point, my next question to you is this.

Do you ask the exact same questions each time when you prospect, do you have a list of questions that you ask in the same order every time? I’m guessing your answer is a big NO. Now do start a mental argument with me, I’m not even there with you right now. Let me see if I can explain why this is so critical to understand.

If you are ever going to learn something, it takes repetition to master the skill. Now notice I didn’t say get good at, I said ‘master’ it. So if you ever going to really get a solid handle on what you are doing and how you can best bring the best solution to pass, you have to do what you do in a predictable pattern. So if you make changes, you know what you making them to, and you can measure the results.

So with that being said, look at the questions that you want to use in your prospecting or presentation. I would bet there are a handful that you use each time. My question to you is, do you know how to ask them in a consistent order. Which one would you ask first, which one would be last, then which second and so on. The reason you want to organize in this fashion is so you can begin to understand how your prospects are responding to you and this line of questioning.

By doing this in this manner you will start to see patterns begin to reveal themselves. You will see that if you ask a particular one before or after a certain question, it gets a better response. Remember you goal is to get them to the “next appointment” whatever that is for you. If you line of questioning is such that the prospect’s interest is held and they are looking forward to the next event, its because you have kept what they want or what they are looking for clearly in front of them, and they can see themselves getting it.

Know how many questions you need to ask to get to your goal, as a rule, and then look to see how you can arrange them to create a positive flow in the conversation.

How Many Questions Do You Have? The answer may just surprise you.

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Your TESTimonial, required you to pass a “test”…

I was riding in a car today with some powerful industry leaders, and one of the gentleman, Chris, said something that really stuck with me.
We were talking about how challenges are everywhere, and many times we as speakers and trainers, we are always teaching people through one or more of the challenges.

It just so happened that we were facing similar challenges this day, and they seemed to be large in comparison to our typical ones we face. He said something to me, that I hope you can grasp the totality of the phrase as well.

He said there is not testimonial, with out a test!

I was like… WOW, I love it!!! I cause me to look at thing in a different way and to hear the word in a completely new way. So I hope this can bring some light to any struggles you might be faced with.
You have to ask yourself… are you looking for the Test or the Testimonial… To answer this question please looking at the words and the meanings they are going to share.

Your friend and student,
Sean Murphy

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Return On Your Investment ROI

Right now, as you read this, do you feel that you have all that you wanted out of life, up to this moment? I am sure there are things you want in the future, I’m talking about in this very minute, do you feel what you have the “return” on your life, is equal to your investment?

I don’t know anyone that would say “yes” to that. I’m talking about all the people I know, including me. I know the investment I have put forth, has not reached the return that I wanted.

So then the reality is, what can you do different?

The only thing you might be able to do is to “raise the bar” of your input, what you are doing to create your result.

There is no simple answer because no matter what you do, there are seasons to it. Just like Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, there is planting and harvesting… there is a time for everything.

So if you want more out of life right now, the put more to it, pay attention to the things that you are letting slip by right now. In being more aware, you will realize the abundance that is around you now.
Put a focused effort in you’re actions going forward, and you will see an increase in the “things you desire” showing up in your life.

Hope this helps. Know that what you do today not only effects today, tomorrow, next month and so on.. it effects 20 years from today!

Your friend and student,

Posted in Healthy Body, Healthy Finance, Healthy Mind, Leadership, MentorMoment, Sean G Murphy | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

International Speaking

Know your audience

30 Hours to Get There…

You know I find it fascinating to hear people complain about how long flights are when they are traveling overseas. The reason I say that is because, if you take a moment to review the reality of the trip, its actually taken a life time to get to this point.  Let me see if I can explain.

The reason you are going to make the long journey is either to take a vacation, and you have been planning for weeks, months maybe even years… so the 3o hours isn’t really that long.. or

Your going there for business, and the only reason its you and not someone else is because of the years of experience you have in what you do. So again the 30 hours is a almost not even valid or important compared to the value you have learned to become the “expert” they are looking for.

Anyway… I just wanted to share a few words with you regarding my latest adventure to China. I went to speak at the worlds 25th Largest MLM company in the world (as of 2010 listing) and I have to say, it was a BLAST.

I had an amazing time, had time to spend with leaders from around the world that were in attendance, from Kenya to Kazakhstan, from Russia to Rio… it was a wonderful trip. I will share more of the details in the next few posts, so you can learn some of the insider secrets to International Speaking and how you can become one sooner then you think.

Your friend and student,


Posted in Healthy Society, Leadership, MentorMoment, Public Speaking, Sean G Murphy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Your Next 6 Months

Its Christmas 2011, are you where you want to be?

It’s not really Christmas, its July and I wanted to ask you the question so you would take a moment and realize that what you do today and tomorrow will impact your Christmas. So do you have your plan in place? Can you say for sure you are working on the tasks today to get you to your goal for the year?

If you are, then congratulations! If not, then know that if you focus for the rest of the year, you still have plenty of time to do more then you ever imagined. The key is to get focused and keep track of your daily activities and your daily results. Going full out does not guarantee you success, you have to know you are moving in the direction of your goal.

Take some time today, now would be great and set yourself up for succes..

If you want a simple plan, and a free accountability coach to keep you on track for the rest of the year… and I mean 100% free… you can send me a text, 469-834-9063 and I’ll be that person. I know how to do this, and you will have your success. If you don’t, well the great Jim Rohn would say, that’s a clue.

Be sure to sign up for my news letter at MentorMoment

Your friend and student,

Sean G Muprhy

Posted in Healthy Body, Healthy Family, Healthy Finance, Healthy Mind, Healthy Society, Healthy Spirt | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

You can’t travel and be successful…

Now let me explain. I know so many “industry experts” in my profession that travel for work and because they travel, they feel inclined to change their work habits. Let me see if I can explain.

When you travel out to a customer, and you are what we call “onsite”, do you work the same hours as the customer? Do you start your day with them, and end your day with them? See this is want I was referring to with the title of this post.

You can’t travel and be successful if you are only going to work as much as your client. Yes they are bringing you in for your expertise, they want you for what you know. They also want you to get the job done a quickly as possible, so it can produce results.

So next time you head out to bring value to a customer, make sure that you bring as much value as possible, and do as much as you can as fast as you can to get them as much return as they can.

Check out this video I did with a partner of mine, Ed Tatum, its on YouTube,

Becoming a Consultant – 5 simple steps

Hugs and burning the candle as both ends for success.

Your friend and student,
Sean G Murphy

Don’t forget to sign up for my NewLetter over at MentorMoment

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Quit NOW! (before you succeed)

I hope this moment in time finds you in the best of health and getting better.

This is one of the most eyebrow raising topics that I speak on, well one of the most. I love to watch the faces of the audience as they do their best to “translate” these words in their head. Let me see if I can share with you what I mean.

Quit Now! – Quit the things that are not working, those things, and you know them all to well. Quit those things that you know are dragging you down, wasting your time, slowing you down. Quit them, and do it now! So if you don’t quit them, you will then have a very good chance that you will succeed, and that is 100% opposite of your initial desire or intention.

The best way to make something like this happen is to create a simple list on a regular sheet of paper.
One side put – The things I Want, and on the other side – The things I DON”T want.

So with all these activities happening, we need to really look at the time you are spending to build the business you are in, and ask this question:
Is there any activity or activities that if you stopped them today, right now, you have total confidence you business will grow and grow?

The next time you are looking for something to add to you million things to do. STOP and just for a moment or two, think of a task or something that if you quit doing it, In this change, the world wil begin to see you different as well.
Your friend and student,.
Sean G Murphy

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No One Really Cares What Your Have To Tell Them….

…on the other hand, people are really interested in HOW you listen to them.

So here is the question. Do you listen more then you talk? I now there are some of you reading this saying, how am I supposed to get my point across if I’m not talking! Right? Let me see if I can share with you how that philosophy may be just a little skewed.

In the words of Zig Ziglar, “sales is the transference of enthusiasm”. With that in mind, it would also be good to remember a simple fact. People really don’t like to be sold, they do love to buy!
So if you were to think back to the last few presentations that you have given. Who go sold? If you did not make the sale, then you were sold that they didn’t want to purchase your product or service.

Now how can listening to them, make a difference? Many times its the only difference that needs to be in place to change the game entirely. Listening is so critical, its really a full body contact sport.
Are you in contact or connected to how they are moving their body, do you know the type personality they are based on how they have been answering your questions?
Are they Visual, are they auditory, are they sensory… and so on.

If you are thinking back over the last few presentations, and you can’t even remember the presentations, well as one of my mentors Jim Rohn would say… “thats a CLUE”!

Take time to be quite, right where you are now, and just listen, see what you can hear as you begin to just tune out your own mind, and listen to the world around you! You could be surprised at some of the new things you will begin to hear.

When I meet with a client, potential customer, a prospect. I usually spend a couple of moments at the beginning of the conversation finding a very soft noise to listen to. Maybe its the radio playing, or the sound a cash register makes, the noise of a door opening. I do this so that I can prepare my mind to focus on what I choose it to focus on. So when I am listening to my client ,

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